The easy way to get your EIN
A federal tax ID, also known as an Employer Identification Number, is a unique number assigned to your business by the IRS.
Why get a federal tax ID (EIN)?
Essential for most businesses
If your business will have employees or file taxes, you probably need a federal tax ID from the IRS.Often required for business banking
Banks usually ask for a federal tax ID before opening a business bank account or line of credit.Helps shield against identity theft
Sole proprietors may use a federal tax ID to help keep their own Social Security numbers private.What is a federal tax ID?
A federal tax ID (officially known as an Employer Identification Number or EIN) is a unique number assigned to a business or organization by the IRS. A business uses its federal tax ID much like a person uses a Social Security number.
Who needs a federal tax ID?
The IRS requires most business entities to use a federal tax ID (EIN)—corporations, partnerships, most LLCs, and some sole proprietorships. A federal tax ID offers other benefits, even when it isn't required by the IRS. For instance, it can help protect against identity theft, and it's often a prerequisite for opening a business bank account.
