Attorney-Led Trademark Registration
Enlist an experienced attorney so that you have the freedom to run your business.
Why do I need a comprehensive search?
If you're currently using or planning to use a trademark, it's always a good idea to see if there are similar marks that could be confused with yours, or might affect your ability to register, use or protect your trademark. Similar marks don't have to be registered with the USPTO to affect your ability to use your trademark, making it important to conduct a comprehensive search that includes state databases and common law marks that are being used by businesses across the country. Our dedicated Comprehensive Search team leverages their experience to uncover potential federal, state, and common law conflicts and set you up for success.
Why do I need an attorney to analyze my search results?
Your search results can be hundreds of pages long, and determining whether a conflict exists requires a multi-factor analysis that isn't always straightforward. It can be vital to have an experienced trademark attorney carefully analyze your search results and advise you on the strength of your mark, to help guide you application and steer you clear of infringement lawsuits.