Trademark Section 8 Declaration of Continued Use - Start a Section 8 Filing Online with EQTax
If 5 years have passed since you registered your trademark, you're required to submit a Declaration of Continued Use (also called a "Section 8" filing), proving your ongoing use of your mark (or excusing non-use). After that, you need to submit the declaration between the 9 and 10-year registration anniversary, and then every 10 years.
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A Section 8 Declaration of Continued Use is required by the USPTO to demonstrate that you're currently using your trademark in commerce or have a valid excuse for not using it.
If 5 years have passed since you registered your trademark, you need to submit a Section 8 Declaration of Continued Use to maintain registration of your trademark.
We can help you quickly prepare and file a Section 8 Declaration of Continued Use with the USPTO.